Sunday, August 21, 2016


Hello, and Welcome!  If you've come over from The Sistahood of the Travelling Chucks, then you know me.  At least a little.  Over there I blog about things that matter, namely, mental illness, parenting, family life, etc.  This is going to be a bit different.  Here, I'm going to unleash "Full-Eri".  You'll be "treated" to politics, personal stuff and namely, my own personal writing (all of which is under the sole ownership and copyright (2016) of Erica Rhodes).  I guess some ground rules may be in order:
1).  I swear, frequently.  It's been joked I use the "F" word like punctuation.  If this is somehow offensive to you, please don't bother me with a list of reasons why.  Just move it along, now.
2)  There will be a fair amount of politics here.  You are more than welcome to engage me in intelligent, reasonable debate.  The chances are good you're not going to change my mind (I was a liberal, long before I was the Evil Right Wing Nut Job we all know and love) and I assume I'm not changing yours.  I'll put up with a lot of your b.s. before I get itchy on that block button.  I will not, however, tolerate the belittling of any of my friends, family or readers.
3)  Oh right, and the stalking thing....That's so 2 years ago.  If I've put it out here for y'all to read, am I really hiding something?  Do not feel it necessary to attempt to frighten me or to threaten me.  For that I will block you fast enough your mf'ing head will spin.  Threaten my family?  Well, we'll just say you should assume I'm always armed.
4)  I'm relatively macabre and drawn to the morbid side of life.  I also suffer from mild depression, anxiety and PTSD.  None of these things makes me any less human or puts me or my family in any danger.  On the contrary, I have such a Class A team of head-people keeping my sanity in check, I wish I could send them 'round the world to fix it.
5).  If I find out you've stolen the work off this site without proper credit....Well see above about me always being armed.  My writing is my lifeblood, my connection to the world and it gives me a deeper and more personal connection to the citizens of Earth.  Don'

So, sit down, let's talk.  Or you can read and go "omg, she is SO smart (as well as purty!)" or you can sit and think, "wow, I have never read such rubbish in my life".  The site will stay under construction for a bit, but start looking for regular posts.  Some may be controversial, some may be mundane, but hopefully, they'll all inspire conversation!



  1. Well good for You!!! I am one proud Mama. Love you more!

  2. Well good for You!!! I am one proud Mama. Love you more!
