Sunday, August 28, 2016

You don't *have* to love America....

A bit of bio: My husband, that sexy, mohawked, tatooed beast, is a USAF vet.  This colors my opinion of the situation, only slightly, as this would have enraged me before I was married to him.

Dear Colin Kaepernick:  ESPN called me yesterday to tell me about your decision to sit throughout the playing of the National Anthem before the San Francisco game.  This is your right.  My husband fought for your right to behave in such a fashion.  You don't have to love America.  However, the notion that you are being paid an alarming (conservative) estimate of $113 million dollars in a contract to play an American game and you don't love your nation, makes you a dick.  Feel free to give that money back (although, $61 million of it is guaranteed to you, God Bless America) or play for "free" and give that money to veterans' charities.  I understand your right to protest.  I, personally, will be writing letters to the NFL and to the 49'ers Front Office and to every.single.endorsement.source I can find until you are humiliated for being such a hypocritical piece of shit.  I have little patience for people who have made a great life for themselves off the backs of the past times of the American people and then disrespect this nation.  Every fan who has bought one of your jerseys or paid for a seat in the 49'ers stadium has helped make you who you are.  That includes the veterans who fought for your right to sit down, as a show of disrespect, for this nation.  My apologies, Mr. Kaepernick, we didn't realize you didn't want to go to college for free and make a living here.  Feel free to find a nation more suitable to your needs (though I would advise against any of those "great nations" where you are forbidden from protesting your government).  As one would expect your conscience to dictate here, that 61 million dollars will do a lot of good for charities and helping the poor people of your community.

With my sincerest apologies for all your "discomfort",


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ummmm...Erica tell us what you really think! This is an e tremely well written essay.

  3. Thanks, Mom. Never been one to shy away from saying what I think, have I?
